Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Another finished shawl

I finished another shawl/shawlette over break. This is Wedgewood, from Sock-yarn Shawls.

wedgewood close up

I used Lorna's Laces (her standard sockweight yarn) in a color called "Wonderstone." That one had been in the stash for a while, I bought it shortly after it first came out because I liked the colors, but I couldn't find a pattern I liked for it until I saw Wedgewood.

Here it is on. (Photograph was last night and my mouth still felt a little weird, so if my smile looks kind of janked up, that's why. The swelling had gone but the lip felt kind of like I'd had heavy dental work done)

wedgewood 2

(I had taken another photo of it wrapped a different way, but when I look at it now, I was slouching - I didn't do my standard, "Shoulders up, chest out" posture and I don't like how it looks so well, so I'll just leave that one over on Flickr. I'm learning from looking at my self-taken photos that two things really make a difference in my appearance: first, if I smile*, and second, if I stand up straight - standing up straight I look perhaps five pounds lighter. And I look less tired.)

(*And yeah, that irritates me a little, considering the number of people over the years who have exhorted me to "smile" when I'm walking down the hall or something - my "thinking face" is a neutral face, I don't think to smile when my brain is heavily occupied with something)


Nicoel said...

Smiling for photos always feels so unnatural to me. I do smile frequently in real life, but my neutral expression is not a smile.

I love the pattern on the shawl and the photo looks very nice. I don't think your mouth looks off at all. :)

Roger Owen Green said...

very nice