Saturday, December 13, 2014

graduation is done

Two Three quick thoughts:

1. If I were in charge of security at these things? I'd make the announcement that anyone letting off an air horn in the arena would be considered a security risk and be removed. And, as far as practicable, enforce that. It was painful for me sitting down on the floor with the faculty; I can't imagine how awful it was for the  unknowing spectators sitting near the yobbo who set the thing off.

2. I don't need to have kids doing music or ballet lessons: I know the feeling of going to a recital to hear "your kid" (applaud for our 4-5 majors) and then sit through EVERYONE ELSE'S. (Winter graduation is all three schools, plus any Master's students who show up)

3. (Edited to add): the downside to cell phone cameras? People take hundreds of photos at these things. There was one guy right across from me (I was down on the floor in the faculty section, he was in the "audience") who kept taking photos and every time a bright light would shine on his phone, right in my eyes.

Between the air horns and that, I have a headache now.

But that's done. I dug out the stuff and pattern for Queen Chrysalis and once I'm done with lunch, I'm doing to start working on her hair again.....

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