Wednesday, October 01, 2014

oh thank goodness

I somehow got something messed up and lost access to the blog. From any of my three gmail signins.

So I tried the password recovery thing. I had them call me up with the eight digit code to allow me to reset and everything. (I can still get to my address).

Google, please stop being stupid. (Though I think I've got it now. Note to self: use the account associated with your full name, and the password that was your oldest ever e-mail password)

But, scary scary. And if I ever go many days without posting when I "should" be here, you may have to e-mail me, or if you're on Ravelry, look for some kind of "I had to change my blog address and make a new blog" announcement on my personal page on there.

(ETA: if you  read this in the next eight hours or so, could you drop a comment so I can see if comment-approval is still seamless or if I'm going to have to log IN to my e-mail, then log OUT and log back IN to blogger, or if I can just click "approve" like I always do? Self-comments auto-approve so I can't test it myself)

Poor little blog, I'd miss you if I got permanently locked out. And while the archives would always be over here, and there'd be a new blog somewhere else (Because blogging, I can't quit you), still, it wouldn't be the same, and I do not LIKE it when things are not the same. (I may share more in common with Sheldon Cooper than I like to admit.)


fillyjonk said...

testing commenting again to see where the verification goes NOW.

Kim in Oregon said...

Testing 123!

Lydia said...

How is the fillyjonk doll image hosted? If it's on Flickr, could you replace it with an image with a new address if needed?

Roger Owen Green said...

i know the feeling. I've changed my password so many times, I forget what it is

CGHill said...

If it goes 456, be wary.