Monday, September 15, 2014

Making a schedule

Trying to take the advice of my colleague (Though I am not sure of his claim that "once I leave here for the day/week, I am done. I don't take work home, I don't come in on my days off" because he still publishes more than I do).

I'm trying to remind myself to do more stuff for myself. Both mundane stuff (doing the laundry more regularly so I don't have the Thursday-night freakout when I count brassieres and realize that I really, really need to do laundry) and slightly-fun stuff.

The bread turned out well (or at least the rolls did; I have not cut the loaf yet). I do think I'm going to work a Sunday (or every-other-Sunday) bread-baking into my routine. Because having bread I can eat (and not having to hope that Voldemart has actually restocked either of the two breads they carry that I can eat when I go there) is a nice thing. And making the bread is fun and satisfying.

I've also been better about weekly changing of the sheets. This started when I was having the really-bad-hives day a bit back (which was probably due to undeclared celery in food, but whatever) and I thought maybe I dragged in pollen or whatever and got it in my strip the sheets off, wash them, put them back on. In the past I'd go two weeks or even three if I got REALLY busy....but I think it's nicer to have them cleaner more often. And probably better for my allergies, even though I do shower most nights before bed.

I also changed out my nail polish (I do toes only) tonight. I had used some free sample Clinique color I got - sort of a weird hot pink - and it began to wear on me, so now my toes have Essie's "Wrapped in Rubies" (a dark, slightly metallic, burgundy). Again, this is one of things things I COULD let slide as a "frivolity" but really, if I can't take 20 minutes to do my toes, that's just sad.

This weekend is the BPAFF - the fiber festival I went to last year. I am most likely going this year. (I won't if the weather is horrible - we might get storms - or if something just totally blows up at work, which seems unlikely)

I did get my big exam for later this week written Saturday (because there was no internet connectivity up at school, there were limitations on what I could do, but that was one thing I could). And my post-tenure review is in and I actually had my name on TWO presentations last year (I remembered the one but forgot about the second). And my faculty evaluations are still in the 80-90% range, if I were being graded, so I guess I'm okay. And the earburns (which is how I think of them - they are called early alert report or EAR) of all my students - days missed and grade earned to this point. It's a new thing to encourage student accountability but also in a way protect the profs, so someone cannot go "But I didn't KNOW I was failing! That professor is UNFAIR! They GAVE me a failing grade I didn't earn!" and also to protect us from people who would come down on us for assigning Fs in cases where the student never actually did any work in the class, and so there is no grounds to grade them.  (Really, we need two additional Fs, I think: an F-Dis (for dishonesty) for someone who failed because of cheating or plagiarism, and an F-wtf* for a student who never showed up to class once, but was still on the roster at the end of the semester.

(*there's probably a better, more campus-friendly term that would work, but I know that is kind of my reaction every semester when the person I have been e-mailing the registrar about ("THEY HAVE NEVER COME TO CLASS") since the first week is still on the roster and requiring a grade be assigned.)

(Some Canadian university proposed the F-Dis a few years back but I don't know if it ever got anywhere. And yes, I acknowledge there are problems with the concept of different "styles" of Fs, but some days, I think of how satisfying it would be to assign an F-Dis to someone. They usually wind up earning an F anyway, but....I tend to think academic dishonesty undermines it for all the people - the vast majority of the students - who are actually working to earn their grades.)

I've also tentatively contemplated coming home after class and office hours tomorrow and just doing a little clean up and being able to leisurely prepare for piano lesson for once. Last week was all kinds of crazy and it feels a little weird to be able to relax now that it's let up, but that's how my life is: weeks of all kinds of crazy interspersed with quieter weeks that make me feel guilty I'm not doing more.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I have recurring nightmares about being an F-wtf student. A class that I didn't know I was in until the last week so I never went! :)