Friday, August 22, 2014

HAVE to share

Because not everyone who reads here is on Twitter. Purlewe linked to this and it is something that made my day better. (And my day wasn't too bad to begin with).

It's Popsonnets. A Tumblr dedicated to rewriting pop songs in the sonnet form.

I love this so much. This kind of thing is the thing that makes me laugh the hardest. And I give crazy mad props to whoever does these, because sonnets are DIFFICULT to write. Also, these actually go slightly for a Shakespearean or Spenserian or otherwise "old style" way of using syntax and grammar, and that makes them extra wonderful to me.

My favorite one on that site, Because of Reasons:

(Actually, that one sounds a bit Elizabeth Barret Browning to me. Or perhaps Edna St. Vincent Millay.)

Many of the songs on there are very recent pop songs and I really don't listen to current pop so they're kind of lost on me, but they do have some older ones like "YMCA" (which is also very funny in sonnet form) and "Stayin' Alive" (Which also is also very funny in sonnet form).

Yes, I know, I'm easily amused. But blessed are the easily amused for they shall have no shortage of things to laugh at.

1 comment:

CGHill said...

Regrettably, I know most of that new stuff. And the sonnetizations thereof are spot on.