Tuesday, November 05, 2013

People frustrate me

Three things....

1. Had to go to Mart of Wal (aka Hell-mart, aka Voldemart) today. I wonder if we're approaching the Singularity or the zombie apocalypse or something because for before-noon on a Tuesday the place was absolutely packed, and packed with people who behaved as if they were the only ones there. (Please, please, fellow walmart shoppers: don't park your cart in the aisle so it's PERPENDICULAR to the shelves. What are you doing? Creating some kind of fortifications so other people cannot get at the peanut butter?). There's no big holiday coming up (Veteran's Day is Monday, but it's not known for big meals being cooked). It is supposed to rain heavily this afternoon but as far as I know, very few people shop every day for their needs....I would avoid the place altogether save for the fact that the small local market I would shop at has no plans to carry either (a) organically produced milk (yes, I'm a precious wilting flower about my foodways) and (b) plain Greek yogurt. Also their produce department is very small. So I have to make weekly trips and as the running-out-of-milk deadline looked like it might fall Friday afternoon after I hauled in tired from my trip to some meetings (or worse, before I even left), I thought this was the best time to get it. But, ugh. People behaving badly. People behaving like they're the only one in the store. People shoving right in front of me like I'm freaking INVISIBLE. Guys, I'm 5'7" or so and I weigh well over 150 lbs, no way I'm invisible.

2. Got an e-mail from an individual I know in my field but at another campus. He is now shilling something, something along the lines of that "name a star after your loved one" bit. Okay, fine. I don't begrudge him making money outside of his teaching duties but I admit I am offended to receive what amounts to an advertising e-mail at my "official work" address. And I can't "Block Sender," because I've worked on stuff with him in the past (stuff unrelated to his new "venture") and might wind up doing so again. It just seems very distasteful to me to spam all the people you know that you've worked with in the past advertising something that has nothing to do with what you've worked on, and which is aimed at gaining money and notoriety (note I did not say "fame") for yourself.

3. Grah, I can't even remember what 3 was going to be now. I know there was going to be a third thing I noticed but I'm so irritated at getting spammed at my work mail (not that I don't already, I get all of these requests to "join my webinar!!!!" (no. Just, no. Not unless I am told by a higher-up here that I must) and from biotech companies that I tried opting out from getting e-mails from, but the opt-out doesn't work.

Oh, yeah. The book buyers. We have people who come through and buy back unsolicited books the publishers send us. I am not sure of the ethics of this. It is not against the law but I always wonder if it contributes to higher textbook prices. Anyway, we've had no fewer than three people come through in the past week, knocking on doors, interrupting work.

I wonder how folks would react to my hanging an "I'm busy, please do not disturb" sign on my door. I can't do it during office hours (we have to be "available") but the other day one of the guys knocked while I was trying to write a biostats take-home exam - these take considerable work and concentration as I work out all the problems ahead of time to be sure they work, and I make multiple forms to cut down on cheating. So having someone knock on my door (or call me on the phone, as "Heather from account services," may the fleas of a thousand camels etc., etc. did the other day) interrupts my flow of thought and makes it hard for me to get back to work.

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