Sunday, November 10, 2013

"My Little Potholders"

I remarked a week or so ago that these things are "ridiculously satisfying to make." I still stand by that. A lot of the fun is in picking colors and a design (my favorite part of quilting is also that - and I am back working on a top but it's lots of long tedious straight seams before I get anything recognizable as blocks or a top)

Anyway, I decided to carry on with my Pony Patterned Potholders idea, and I worked up the entire Mane Six:

"My little potholders

(Top row, left to right: Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie. Bottom row, left to right: Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack).

My favorite one (surprisingly, because they aren't my favorite colors normally) is Applejack. I just like how the design came out.

And yeah, I'm doing more as gifts. One in Christmas colors to go with my kitchen-themed AAUW grab-bag present, and probably a couple each for my mom and for my brother (he is the main cook in the family). I will have to ask my mom (she's been to their house; I have not) what colors are in his kitchen.

(And CPAAG holiday-card recipients beware: You may get potholders as well! Making these is like eating potato chips - hard to stop once you start. But I'd argue making potholders is a lot better for you than eating potato chips)


I think the holiday shopping madness has begun. I had to run to Sherman yesterday as I was nearly out of an important component of my makeup regime, and nowhere in town carries Clinique.

Two things I saw that kind of frustrated me: First, a guy stopping his car (where there was no stop sign and no traffic he was watching out for) in such a way that blocked those of us who were entering the lot (and had the right of way). Why? Apparently he *needed* to light his cigarette *right then*. And of course, then, there was so much traffic after him I couldn't get in safely and quickly, and so people stacked up behind me.

And then, as I was leaving - the exit from the shopping mall is an awful design, you pull off onto a busy access road and it usually snarls up when a light down the road is red - there are two lanes, right? A right turn and a left turn. Most people use the right turn lane as that is how you get back onto the interstate. Well, finally we got to the point where there were two cars ahead of me. The first one was obeying the law, hanging back to let oncoming traffic (which had the right of way) through. Well, the person behind them got impatient. They pulled into the left-turn lane and I thought, "Oh, they decided to go left." NOPE. They pulled out AROUND the person ahead them in line, cutting them off (and the next person coming down the access road). I was gobsmacked and may have referred to that person using a rude term for a rectum....But really? Endangering a couple people's safety to save maybe 15 seconds? And if there HAD been an accident, how much more time would have been wasted?

The great philosopher Linus Van Pelt once commented that he loved humanity but people got him down. I'm just the reverse: I love individual people, I love the people I know. I can even forgive and tolerate people I don't know if I know a little about them. But get me out in a mass of humanity, some of them behaving in selfish ways, and I, to use the good old Southern phrase, tend to lose my religion.

So yeah. I may not be doing much "big store shopping" between now and January. The good news is I have most of my gifts planned out; they are going to be mail ordered or bought from  small local stores.


And one more thing I just remembered. Hobby Lobby sells lots of sort of home-decor type stuff, right?

They had plaques that declared "Happiness is a warm glue gun" (I cannot imagine this allusion was not intended, but it still made me go *blink.* Hobby Lobby referencing a Beatles' song that was banned by the BBC because of the symbolism of what a "warm gun" could represent?)

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