Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A little nonsense

Okay, so this was making the rounds: Girls and their glasses (NB: Some Anglo-Saxonisms).

It examines the old, old trope of "What happens when a girl who wears glasses takes them off," using webcams to capture the evidence. (I was kind of "meh" about the gag until #5 - the redhead. No, I won't spoil it here)

Anyway, lacking a webcam, I decided to try, with my decidedly unhip "selfies" (with a very old, very large digital camera). So here goes:

Glasses on.


Glasses off
No glasses

Uh, how long is this supposed to take? Is the change instant? Because nothing seems to be happening.

Okay, we'll try the old trope of "librarian or schoolmarm woman takes off glasses, lets hair down, and hubba hubba"

hair down

Yeah, no. Maybe something's broken? Maybe the remove-for-sexpot option wasn't available for  the glasses I bought?

Okay, last try: glasses off, hair down, lipstick and a bit of refreshed blush

hair down and lipstick

Wow. Nnnnnnope. I guess the effect doesn't work for me, ha ha.

Let's try the glasses back on, at least partway:

nope, glasss needed

Well, damme, I guess I break the rule. (I think I look LOTS better like this than without glasses).

Not shown: my ridiculous attempts to do half-on, half-off glasses while saying "Molecules" (a la Penny from the ads from last week's BBT.) Just did not work for me, the camera always captured my mouth in a funny position.

(Then again, if taking their glasses off really did cause the instant-sexpot effect, Oklahoma would have lots of troubles with their driver's licensing....they ask us to remove eyeglasses. I think my photo without eyeglasses makes me look like I have a bad cold)


Lynn said...


I hate that they make me take off my glasses for my drivers license photo. As if those pictures don't look bad enough anyway.

L.L. said...

Very cute pic sequence.

When I last had to take my glasses off for a picture, I had a thousand yard stare going on, like "My glasses might be off, but I can still see youuuu, bwah ha ha!"