Friday, October 11, 2013

Small bad, big good

The small bad: My home computer is really messed up. I don't know if it's just Aging Computer Syndrome (I sometimes have bad days with it, and then after it sits, another day it's okay) or if it was the last Steaming Plate of Updates that did something bad to it.

So, grumbling, restarting about six times, trying to write my Sunday school lesson and being rather complainey about it ("I'm trying to do Your work; You might arrange it so it's not so hard") and also feeling upset as this is the week the interim pastor is sitting in on the class prior to trading off weeks with me, and I'm desperate to do a good job....

Well, I finally got most of it saved to a spare flash drive, so I'm back over here at the office, where I least want to be this evening, to finish it.


I got an e-mail from the OAS editor. Before I opened it, I thought, This'll be just another thing on the heap and I'll have to ashcan the paper, it won't be good enough for them.

NOPE. Accepted with minor revisions. I do have to do them and write a letter (ugh) addressing the larger points, but at least the thing will be published, it looks like, so that summer's work isn't wasted and I get another publication.

I'm not even going to look at it now; I will have ample time next week, it's due in by the 30th. (I admit, I'm sufficiently tired right now that it's even kind of hard for me to be stoked about it. I probably will be once I actually see it in print.)

Now down to work.

1 comment:

Lydia said...

Congratulations! Minor revisions only is great!