Tuesday, July 16, 2013

At long last

I finished the first Alpenglow sock.

I did change up the toe to make it shorter; as written, the toe decreases would have been way too long.

finished alpenglow

I like how the detail of that pattern moves across the instep. It's a little tricky in that you have to pay attention (every fifth row or so you increase on one side and decrease on the other to "move" the pattern).

Here are some details of the leg and the clocks:

alpenglow detail 1

Taken upside down. It's hard to photograph your own ankles.

alpenglow detail 2

I cast on for the second sock. I hope this one takes me less time - this one took me over a year to complete, mainly because I would get "meh" about something that moved so slowly and required so much attention. Now that I have the pattern figured out better, I might be able to do the second sock a bit faster.

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