Friday, May 03, 2013

that was effortful.

Well, I got three of the four items ordered.

The fourth one - the paint - the company is going to be calling my grants administrator to arrange to make an account with them. Or, they might just comp me the paint because it's a small amount and the woman I talked to said she had a "soft spot for bees and for Oklahoma." (I didn't ask). I did tell her if I got comped the paint they would get a mention in the acknowledgements of any paper because that's SOP if you get free stuff to help you further your research.

But wow, what a giant effort. One place I had to call four times. And I had to learn how to do a transfer on my phone (I called and placed the order, then transferred to the administrator so she could arrange payment).

They say, never learn to do anything you don't want to have to do....

Now I need to eat. And I need to clear off my desk and start counting soil invertebrates.

ETA: I think part of the reason I find that kind of thing so effortful is that (a) I HATE talking on the phone, (b) I hate having to call up strangers and (c) I dislike asking for "help" of strangers, even when it's really their job to give it.

That may be a familial trait; my brother used to always ask my mother to make phone calls on his behalf; now he asks his wife to do it unless he absolutely HAS to for some reason.

Of course, it's all me, where I live - I can't fob my need to make calls off on anyone else so I just have to grit my teeth and do it.

If my test-making-up student gets done fast enough, and I get enough invertebrates counted, I'm going to go "big" grocery shopping this afternoon, and make a side trip to the JoAnn's.

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