Friday, April 12, 2013

One good thing

Despite the week being busy and me being tired, one thing I learned this morning made me go "AWWWWW YEAH!" here in my office.

One of the men in my church had had serious circulatory problems. Because he had other health issues, most of the doctors he saw said, "There's really nothing we can do. You might want to consider a lower-leg amputation."

Well, he and his wife found a hospital in Texas with surgeons willing to attempt the vascular surgery. They knew it was risky and the man was worried about it, but figured he'd rather take the risk of surgery than know he'd lose the leg.

They asked us to pray for them (him, and for his wife). The surgery was yesterday around noon but was supposed to be long, so I hadn't heard anything. (I figured if anything especially bad had happened, I'd get a phone call).

Came in this morning to an e-mail saying that the surgery was a good success, and while he has a long recovery ahead of him - it looks like his problems will improve considerably.

I'm really glad to hear that. That's a good end to the week.


Now I have to decide what to do this afternoon. I have exams to grade (but because of illness, two people will have to take it Monday, so I can't hand it back immediately). I also need to make time to (dun dun DUN) go get a tetanus/pertussis booster some time. I am due for a tetanus booster (actually overdue by a couple months) and my doctor keeps telling me it's a good idea for someone like me to have a pertussis booster. But I don't like shots, so I keep putting it off. (Also, last time I got a Td booster - just tetanus and diphtheria, not pertussis also, I had a sore arm for a couple days, and I was really wanting to work in the garden this weekend). I can go to the county health department and get it; my doctor said that would probably actually be simpler and less expensive than my scheduling an appointment to go and have her nurse do it.

But I really need to do it. Especially with doing garden work - you get caught by a thorn that happens to be harboring the wrong bacteria, and you're in a lot of trouble if your boosters aren't up to date. And they say that people who work with soil need to be extra sure about their boosters. But yeah. I don't like shots, I especially don't like intramuscular shots. (I had a very bad experience with a penicillin shot when I was a small child - I don't even remember the shot but my mother tells me that's the beginning of my major problem with needles.)

Or, I could go do my shopping this afternoon, even though I kind of hate Friday afternoon traffic.

And I'm thinking that some time in the not-too-distant future I want to plan a McKinney day - just a day to get out, to be "away," and have a day of fun and self-indulgence. And to go to a restaurant where I can get a cup of tea and a cupcake served to me in the middle of the afternoon. It's funny how my desire seems to center on that - being able to sit in a calm, quiet, nearly-empty (because it's after the lunch hour) nice restaurant with my tea and my cupcake. No, there is nowhere nearby that I can get quite the same thing.  (But probably not until I get paid again; I have to send in my taxes today or tomorrow and the check I need to write to the IRS makes me cringe. Well, so does the one I make to the OTC, but that one is smaller so I cringe less)

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