Wednesday, April 10, 2013

a random thought

I made some comment on a thread on Ravelry about "Lagomorphs of unusual size" (someone was showcasing pictures of an IMMENSE Flemish Giant rabbit - seriously, they grow to 20 pounds).

She commended me on knowing that rabbits aren't rodents. And I responded:

"That was something I actually learned quite young (like, under-12). I was really fascinated by animals and my mom is a biologist so she would go and buy me age-appropriate but scientifically accurate books about animals, and I would read and learn lots of stuff."

And that's true. I had all kinds of animal books as a kid. And re-reading that, I realized, WHOAH I was like Fluttershy even as a kid. (Maybe even more so, because I had the "afraid of my own shadow" trait down pretty well back then)

I had a really nice set of animal books one of my aunt-and-uncle couples (aunts and uncles? There should be a collective noun for the couple that consists of an aunt and an uncle) sent me for Christmas one year when I was fairly young. I think they are still in existence at my parents' house; I should get them the next time I'm there because while there was nothing in them INappropriate for a six-year-old, the information was such that it would still be interesting to an adult.

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