Sunday, November 11, 2012

The baby quilt

This was most of my Saturday:

Baby quilr

I sewed down the binding on the baby quilt. It's raining out this afternoon (FINALLY!) so I had to go with second-best photography of anchoring it onto my piano with books and then draping it down to the floor.

I hope it fits okay in my suitcase; I feel much better hand-carrying this to my brother and sister-in-law when I see them at Thanksgiving than I would entrusting it to either the US mail or the guys in brown.

I did also wash it - to get any sizing out and be sure it was really clean - after completion. I used one of those "color catcher" sheets and I guess I am glad I did; it came out tinged reddish but the white fabric on the quilt is still white.

It's kind of hard to see in this photograph but there are several cute novelty fabrics in there - one with snails and turtles, and an ABC print, and one with little owls. When I took it in to get it quilted, I was unsure what pattern to have the quilter use, until she said she had one that was owls.

baby quilt back

I think it was a good choice.

I still have to make a label for this quilt, and get a good printout of that "It's okay to sit on your quilt" poem to go with it, but it's pretty much ready to go. I hope the baby likes her quilt. (Well, she's probably still to young to use it - though maybe on the floor for "tummy time" she can - but I hope she likes it when she gets older.)


Kim in Oregon said...

I'm sure she'll love it--it is so cute!

Charlotte said...

Very nice quilt. I'm sure your niece will enjoy using it for many years.