Friday, October 05, 2012

The baby hat

Here's the finished baby hat, being modeled by my lavender-filled "aromatherapy" stuffed lamb:

baby hat

I will probably need that aromatherapy lamb this evening.

I waited at home from noon until now. Did my grading. Did my piano practice. Kept hoping the electrician would come. Finally called.

The work order got "misplaced." (And this is the "reliable" place in town). So no one can come out today.

SO I COULD HAVE GONE AND GOTTEN MY (EXPLETIVE DELETED) SOIL THIS AFTERNOON. (It's too late in the day to do it now, and I'm too tired and too angry to. And it's going to be cold and raining tomorrow.)

Also, I'm having to make a SECOND appointment: I will have to race home after class Tuesday middday and pray that the guy gets out and gets done before my 5 pm class. During that time, I'm not sure what I can do. I was going to use that time to write the stats exam for next week but I need the software I have on campus only for that. So I guess that's Monday's task, and perhaps Thursday evening's task. I'll probably have to stay late one extra day next week because of this.

Or I can drag my calculator home with me and verrrrrry sloooowly write the exam, doing all the calculations by hand. Gah.  I really needed this to go smoothly. And of course, I have limited light in my living room until this is fixed. No early-morning or late-evening practicing.

I'm really unhappy. As I said, this is the place with a reputation for reliability, so I'm not even going to try calling one of the other places.

ETA: This is, in part, "my stuff." One of the things that makes me angriest is when I feel that my time has been wasted. (The other day, in the meetings? I was twitching and looking at my watch because it was 8:45 or so and the meeting that was supposed to start at 8:30 - and so I got over there at 8:20 - hadn't started yet). I'm a busy person and NEVER have enough time to do the things I want to do, or even sometimes the things I NEED to do - so having my time wasted makes me rage. Not that it's very useful to rage over that; the world is full of people who either inadvertently or deliberately waste your time. (I know people who show up late to meetings because they can; it's a "power" thing. It's really quite repulsive.)

If I were more knowledgeable and devil-may-care, I'd try to fix the switch myself, but I don't fancy buying the farm just yet.

I feel invisible and ignored right now. I know, it was probably a stupid oversight, but....It's not the freakin' 50s any more with housewives who can happily stay home and wait on some long and nebulous "window" when a workman can come out! It's all on me to earn my pay, finish my work, do my laundry, do my marketing, EVERYTHING. And it seems like when I need one dang little thing, it doesn't happen.

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