Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Starting the things

I decided just to go ahead and do it - to start another project or two I had been longing to start.

(I did finish the Scrunch Hat. Pictures will come....well, sometime. Today I teach my night class and tomorrow night I have meetings. I have to upload photos from home because our work computers are configured so that there are many sites we cannot upload to, and apparently Flickr is one of them. This is a zero-tolerance sort of thing, I presume, similar to how none of the computer-lab computers allow downloads after a student was found downloading "A Night In Paris (Hilton)" or somesuch.)

I started knitting on Rosedale. I decided to give up on the concept of making the sleeves match exactly, because I realized when I ran out of one ball and had to start another, that would stop the matching right there. So I've got the corrugated rib for the cuff, and a few rows of the first sleeve knit.

I also pulled out the necessaries for doing those simple garter-stitch slippers. I will cast on for those this evening and use them for invigilating knitting. (I give an ecology exam tomorrow and the biostats exam I pushed myself to write is Monday. Yes, I wrote it a week in advance but I've learned that if you don't start stuff early, things have a way of coming up (like "emergency" meetings) that keep you from doing what you want need to do.)

On the other hand, I have freed myself up a bit - the big push now the rest of this week (other than grading the ecology exam) is getting out to get soil, probably Thursday afternoon. (Friday it may be raining. And Saturday, it's supposed to be the local trash-off day. I will admit to rolling my eyes over a newsguy who complained about "What? It's going to rain every weekend now?" when the weather guy predicted rain for Saturday. Because (a) we're still in a drought, and any rain any time is something to be grateful for and (b) if it's raining, that means the trash-off will be rescheduled, probably to a time I'm less crazy-busy).

Also, next week - I had nearly forgotten - is my mid-fall break. And my friend Laura will be free! So we are going to do another Longview meet-up for lunch, yarn shopping, and book-shopping.

Wow. Do I NEED a day out. And I NEED a day where I can talk to someone about stuff that isn't work-related or volunteer-work-related, which is most of the conversations I seem to have with my local friends.

(And hopefully, after this afternoon, I will have a working overhead light in the living room again.)

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