Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I'm a goofball

Heh. In gen bio today, I got off on a tangent about parasitic and parasitoidic wasps (the topic was biodiversity, so it did kind of fit).

I was talking about how gall wasps work, and how they sometimes have "guests" that are other wasps that come in and use some of the gall tissue (and the word for that is a lovely word: "inquilines"), and there are still other wasps that come and parasitize the gall wasps.

And at one point I was waving my hands about, and I said, "it's hymenopterans within hymenopterans!" Heh. Bertie Wooster meets E. O. Wilson.

I think maybe I scare the non-majors students a little bit, at times. (Then again: one woman came up after class to tell me she had seen the wasps that parasitize spiders at work. So maybe I reach as many as I scare.)

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