Thursday, September 06, 2012

two good things

1. The student who used the awful flip and dismissive language in his paper apologized to me. He said something about "not knowing the appropriate tone" and that he'd try to do better. So that's good. So often these days when I deliver constructive criticism (or what is intended to be such), it's met with resistance and an attitude of, "Well, you're just WRONG."

2. I finished a textbook-chapter review. At first I felt bad volunteering for this because I was afraid I wouldn't get it done in time. But I managed to push through it after my class ended for this morning. And it turns out, because I got it in under the deadline, they're going to pay me $20 more. (That was in the original agreement but I didn't notice it at first). For once, a person gets a tangible reward for being diligent.

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