Tuesday, July 10, 2012

tea is magical

From  This Folded Mind's tumblr blog: 

I don't know about the "some can make you hallucinate" (what goes on in my brain is strange enough without messing with my neurotransmitters, thanks) but I do like the idea of wearing pretty hats and eating crumpets. (Sigh. I wish there was a "real" afternoon tea place near me. A few places (used to?) have them. There was one my mom and I went to a few times up where my parents live, but they closed. I get the feeling that places like that are probably one of the first places to go in really bad economic times. Which is sad, because places like that are precisely the kind of thing people like me need to stave off despair during economic bad times.)

And I get the one about "it makes you happier when you're already happy" but also the one about how it gives something to fill your stomach if you're too incapacitated by sadness to eat.  (For that matter - for me, it's one of the first non-plain-water things I try consuming after a stomach virus).

I have an entire shelf of different kinds/flavors of tea. Sadly, my schedule this summer is often such that I don't get home before the 4 pm cutoff point (I am so sensitive to caffeine that I find even drinking caffeinated tea after 4 pm can disturb my sleep. So if I want "tea" later in the day I make raspberry zinger or something, even though I really PREFER black tea).


L.L. said...

I have to drink my tea early in the AM, otherwise forget restful sleep.

Currently I'm working through a package of Stash green and white blend and Harney and Sons Darjeeling. Both are excellent.

Yeah, I think it's too bad when "frivolous" things are closed down because of the economy. Sometimes frivolity is what's need the most.

Charlotte said...

The group of women at my church who go out to lunch once a month are magicians who find "tea rooms" in the most unlikely places. Lots of them are connected with gift shops/sort of antique shops. So maybe broaden your search parameters and you'll find some.