So, the other day, my mom called me up, and asked, "Have you heard anything about a shortage of Excedrin Migraine?" I had not; I had in fact taken the last one I had in the bottle I keep at home a couple days before, so I was a bit concerned. All she knew was that on one of the local stations up there they were talking about how it was "in short supply" and people were paying huge amounts of money for it online.
So I decided to run out to the local pharmacy and pick some up, in case the "shortage" was for real. Or in case, horror of horrors, some idiot managed to successfully sue to have that medication combo taken off the market (stranger and stupider things have happened)
Nope. None on the shelves. However, I did find the store-brand version that was the same formulation and which I am sure will work the same.
So I surfed around a little bit online: Turns out it was a recall. Back in January.. The stuff hasn't been returned to the market because, allegedly, the amount of red tape involved with getting them okayed to be sold again is fairly daunting, and it will just take a while.
(That recall seems pretty serious: pain pills mixed in with OTC meds. Though, then again: I wonder, wouldn't they look different? A lot of medications, at least prescription medications, you're provided with a description of the pill and told that if what you get looks different, to take it back to the pharmacy).
Anyway. I have an "old" bottle in my office, expiration date Dec. 2011 (I'm sure they're still good. Aspirin develops a specific odor when it's gone off, and aspirin is a major ingredient in these). And yeah, I took one this morning, my head was still hurting, and I was starting with the sound-and-smell sensitivity that signals the onset of a migraine. But no, I don't think I'll contemplate selling the rest on eBay, despite the fact that some people are apparently making their fortunes that way. (Which is something I don't get: the store brand I bought Tuesday had the same exact formulation, I can't see how it would work any less well or any differently, unless the inert ingredients are a problem for some people).
I do hope the aspirin/acetominephin/caffeine combo isn't ever taken OFF the market, it's pretty much the best thing for my migraines. I don't get headaches often enough to merit taking a prescription painkiller for them (also some of the prescription meds carry scary side effect warnings), and I like being able to get rid of the headaches fast if they come on. (Yes, I know, I could probably cobble something up out of aspirin, Tylenol, and a strong cup of tea, but I'd rather not).
But yeah, I'll be glad when I'm done for today and can go home and crash.
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