Or rather, they had a box where no one had gotten to them to open-and-peek. Yeah, there are codes online so if you want a particular pony, you can find it by the code, but the quick and dirty (and unfair, I think) way is to open the bag and look. And the last couple times I was there looking for Ponies, that's what someone had done. (I tend to think that's cheating, but then again, I just buy the bags randomly, for the surprise).
So I bought a few. A couple I put aside because there's a swap coming up in the Craft Bronies group, and if the person I get wants blindbags, now I can send them some. (And if not? I get a few more to open myself).
I decided to open a couple of the blindbags for myself. And as I was preparing to tear into one, I thought, "How cool would it be if I could get a Pinkie Pie?" I had all the rest of the Mane Six. And it's funny - with anything like that that represents a "set," having one or two of the set is fine with me....but when I get up to having all-but-one, I really want that last one.
So I opened the bag. And saw a hot-pink curly tail. YES!. I got a Pinkie Pie. That made me happy out of any reasonable proportion that it should.
So I now have a complete set of the Mane Six:

And I did open a couple more blindbags. Got "Lucky Swirl," who looks like a mispainted Twilight Sparkle, and YET ANOTHER Flower Wishes.. (I think I have three of these).
(And I STILL have two extra sparkle Rainbow Dash. And the offer stands: if you want one, or know a child who wants one...drop me your mailing address and I'll send it out. I also have an extra Rarity. And I have an extra "plain" Rainbow Dash, but I'm seriously considering trying to repaint her to make a Derpy)
I think of the blind bag ponies, Pinkie is the cutest and she looks the most like her onscreen self. Fluttershy looks the least like herself, because they didn't bother to do a separate mold for her - just used the Rainbow Dash mold, so her hair is too short and shaggy. (Or maybe this is from before when she got "tail extensions"?)
I would have adored having something like this as a kid...the bigger brushable ponies, maybe not so much, but I loved these little mascot type things. For quite a few years - I think I was close to 11 or 12 when I stopped - I would always carry a small toy of some sort in my pocket to school, just sort of as a comfort, knowing it was there. (That may be why I still prefer clothing with pockets, although these days, keys are pretty much the only thing I carry in them).
D'awwwww! That's great! Now they can sit on your mantel or desk and help you grade :)
On the other, um, hoof, I was in Target Friday evening to pick up a vitamin supplement and a couple of prescriptions, and I had the sudden idea to venture into the uncharted (by me, anyway) area where toys are sold.
I now own a Twilight Sparkle Animated Storyteller, containing a chip which plays three of the series songs and/or reads four short stories based on episodes. Truth be told, I didn't even try out the voice box before buying (the mouth moves!), and the coloration is not quite show-accurate - the blue is more purplish, and there's more red in her coat - but she's brushable, the plush is decent, and she's sitting on my monitor.
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