Friday, May 04, 2012

And another thing:

May the Fourth be with you!

(from a post several years back: "My mother tells me - and I do not remember this but I do not think she'd make something like this up - that a long time ago, probably about 1978 or so, after we'd seen the first Star Wars movie - that would make my brother about 4 and me about 9 - my brother asked me, very seriously, "Do you think the Force is with us?" and I responded, very earnestly and truthfully, she says, "Oh, I hope so." She says she remembers it because she was afraid that I was going to make fun of him and tell him, "Silly, that was just a movie" and she was kind of surprised at my response. So maybe as a little kid I kind of "got" the concept on a different level [I think I perceived the Force then as being something like God, or perhaps something like God's grace, though I wouldn't have used that word then] than where Lucas wound up taking it, and so I was disappointed when I found out his real intentions [in the 'prequel' movies, where it was explained away as some kind of symbiont thing])

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