Friday, April 27, 2012

When thoughts collide

....or, perhaps I should do more quilt-block cutting right before going to bed.

I had pulled out my last "new fabric" purchase (I am going to try to make this the "last" for a while) - a Jelly Roll of Aneela Hooey's newest line, called A Walk in the Woods, which is sort of a red-riding-hood themed set of fabrics (at least: there's a girl in a red cape and hood, and what looks like either a fox or a wolf). I started cutting the pieces for the quilt I want to make, messed one up but was able to fix it, so decided it was time to go to bed.

And then last night I dreamed that I had taught my soils class how to quilt. Or rather, how to piece blocks. I was setting them together for the students. The blocks were large (like, 12 or 14 inch finished size) variable-star blocks in a variety of golds and purples, and I was using purple sashing.

I know someone who claims people dream in black and white and that seems odd to me: I can remember colors from my dreams. I can also remember sounds or smells, and I know there are people who claim neither of those sensory experiences are possible. Maybe it's just another case of My Weird Brain, I don't know.

Anyway. I'm guessing that it involved my soils class because the last official meeting of the class was yesterday, and also there are 12 students in the class, and 12 is a reasonable number both for a quilting class size and for a number of blocks to be set together into a quilt.

And I remember in the dream, the class was set in my parents' house, I think that was because my mother owns three sewing machines - her newest one (a Kenmore, which isn't VERY new...I think it's about 1978 vintage), an older Singer electric from the early days of her marriage, and a very old Singer treadle that is probably 100 years old or close to it and was her mother's (and which I have told my mother I WANT if she ever plans on getting rid of it).

I also remember as I was setting the blocks together, thinking about what could be done with the quilt once it was quilted. I had contemplated doing a drawing and the person whose name was picked got to keep the quilt, but then I told them that if they all approved, I'd get it quilted and then donate it to Project Linus.

Then I woke up.

While I don't particularly *love* dreaming about even loosely work-related things, this dream was a darn sight better than some of the ones I had the semester I had a particularly rude and inattentive General Biology class.

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