Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Some project stuff

One thing I did yesterday was to get some backing fabric for a quilt top I dug out while I was cleaning over the weekend. It's this quilt:

partial "Flower Show"

"Flower Show," pattern by Kerr and Ringle. I've had this done for about a year but never contemplated getting it quilted; after looking at it again (and considering the state of my bank account - that I could afford right now to have a few more quilts done) I decided it was time to get a backing for it and get it quilted.

I went to the local quilt shop for this. I had one of the "loyalty cards" filled out (they give points toward it for purchases as well as for when you pay to have quilting done, so if you're like me, they can add up fast). So I got $20 off the price of the backing, which was nice. I also found a fabric that was a slightly older line (and so, had been printed before the recent dollar-or-so per yard jump in the price of quilt fabric. (Partly the rising price of cotton, partly, I suppose, the higher cost of transport that is hitting everything)). But it's just the right fabric for the quilt.

flutterby fabric

Huge, trompe l'oeil bees (or perhaps cicadas, it's a little hard to tell) set in what looks like a fancy Victorian wallpaper pattern.

The line it comes from is one I've used before; it's called Flutterby.

Wait, it's called what?

fluttershy on flutterby

No, not quite. But it does have sweet little animals in it! (Although in Pony world, it seems that Twilight Sparkle is more with the bees than Fluttershy is...she seems to have a hive that lives next to the library)

So I washed up the fabric and sewed the backing together (cleverly, I thought to ask the woman at the quilt shop to cut the quantity for me in two pieces, each half of what I was I didn't have to try to wrestle with six yards of fabric to cut it myself). If I can make the time Thursday afternoon I may drop it off - I have the top all ironed and the backing ready to go.

I also got up past the heel turn on the first sock of the pair I'm making for my mother's birthday.

sock 1


Lynn said...

I love the quilt and the fabric! [sigh] I've been looking at and lusting for fabric at several online stores yesterday and this morning. It's so hard to be good when they keep sending emails full of pretty pictures and links.

purlewe said...

I am a HUGE bee fan and this just screamed BEEEEEZ at me.. and then I read that it was bees and I melted.

I think it will make the quilt really shine.