Saturday, January 07, 2012

Surprisingly, it's Derpy...

The zodiac, in pony form:

my little pony, friendship is magic, brony - Brony Zodiac
see more My Little Brony

I was born on February 27. So I guess I'm a "Derpy." Heh. Well, I can be a bit scatterbrained at times. (Supposedly, in "traditional" astrology, Pisces is also the "artistic" sign...and I've read that Pisces people are supposedly Rarity or Fluttershy might also have worked as well.)

Of course, we're talking Barnum statements here, so take it with a grain of salt.


CGHill said...

I wouldn't have thought I had that much in common with Pinkamena Diane.

L.L. said...

And cute! (And kinda accurate!)

L.L. said...

Oops, am in too much of a hurry,....I meant it's accurate for me!

It is cute, though. If I had a health food store or other New Age-y business, I'd use this as a poster.