Tuesday, October 25, 2011

This and that

*There's a new Interweave special publication coming out called "Jane Austen Knits." I pre-ordered a copy. I'm a total sucker for these kinds of things.

*The new Piecework had lots of knitting in it. And an article on four "rare" breeds of sheep (Navajo Churro was one, Leicester Longwool was another. And Leicester Longwoll sheep are cuuuuuuuute. Seeing the pictures of them brought out my "want to cuddle!" reflex.)

*There's also a re-creation of a Coptic sock done using something that looks like nalbinding. I'd like to learn to do it but it looks like it would take FORever. I guess that garments were much more precious in the days when they took many, many hours of work to make. (As opposed to an hour or so of working at your career to buy...and I do know I darn/reknit damaged portions of my own handmade socks, but if I blow through the toe of a purchased athletic sock, in the trash it goes. I suspect we'd value our possessions more if we had more invested in them.)

*I learned last night that if I prop my copy of "Bleak House" on two stacked up bed pillows, it elevates it enough that I can sit on my bed and read and knit. (Much preferable to flipping television channels and trying to knit while I try to find something that doesn't involve a big-haired guy talking about "Aliens!" or extreme couponing...)

*I broke through my stall on the book last night. Esther recovered from her illness (smallpox, I presume, based on her talk of her ruined face), Lady Dedlock delivered some surprising news, and the fifteen different storylines are beginning to slowly weave together. (I'm on about page 515 of 800 or so). I STILL dislike Mr. Smallweed the senior, and when Mr. Skimpole reappeared I inwardly groaned.

*My next "big" book - it's a toss-up between The Three Musketeers (I found a translation that boasts that it's "less bowdlerized" than many) and Sense and Sensibility (yes, I admit with some embarrassment, I've never read it. But I know many people who say they liked it even better than Pride and Prejudice, which I liked pretty well, so...)

*I finished a "simple" sock while reading last night. It's from a striping Lorna's Laces in pink and brown. I've decided that of all the self-patterning yarns, I love the ones that make stripes the best. (Especially the ones that make WIDE stripes, like the ones from String Theory Colorworks). There's just something about stripey socks that makes me happy. (And I'm plotting to do a pair of Fibonacci-sequence striped socks, using some of the big stash of random balls of solid-colored sockyarn I have.)

*I never posted a picture of Friday's stash-enhancement. Here it is:

stash additions

The pewter-colored "Lustra" is for a scarf, the green and white are for a Mochimochiland critter, and the sock yarn is for socks. I also bought a Clover ergonomic size E crochet hook - I thought I had one but cannot find it ANYWHERE. (It will probably turn up, now.)

*Someone on Ivory Tower Fiber Freaks (on Ravelry) posted this treasure trove of knitting Victoriana. Apparently these are books out of knitting-historian Richard Rutt's collection, and they've been scanned and made into .pdf files. So you can go and read them - or see the patterns they contain. Now I need a lot of time when I have access to a fast internet connection to look at these.

*I'll really be glad when DST FINALLY ends (Nov. 6, this year). Right now, driving to work at 7 it's still dark here. This morning, driving through the apartment-complex area that's on the way to my classroom building, a couple in completely dark clothing (dark jeans, he had a dark hoodie with the hood up) ran out in front of my car. Luckily I saw them in time. (What kind of fool goes out in the dark in dark clothing? Did their parents teach them NOTHING? I remember there even being PSAs on television when I was a child, that you needed to wear visible clothing if you were out when it was dark). Also, the fact that they were a couple and COULD NOT BREAK THEIR EMBRACE even long enough to properly walk across the street bugged me. Yeah, you're in love. You have each other and don't need anything else. You love each other so much you can't let each other go, even for fifteen seconds. Good for you! Now let the bitter spinster who is ALL BY HERSELF IN THE WORLD actually get to work unhampered, please.


L.L. said...

Around here, it's kids on skateboards. They skate oh-so-merrily into the street and when the drivers honk or yell at them to get out the way, the kids look at them with a "Do you mind? I'm skating over here!"

My theory is, they were raised by wolves. Skateboarding wolves.

Ellen said...

I hope you honked. When I go out biking on trails and have to use my bell, people always look so surprised. Duh.

Charlotte said...

I wonder if your bitterness at being single is keeping you shut off from any opportunities which might come your way?