Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Sweater time again

No, not sweater-wearing time (it's supposed to hit 88 this afternoon), but now that I can actually begin to imagine it being cool enough again sometime to WEAR sweaters, I restarted working on the two that are on the needles.

I'm almost up to the point of starting the armholes on the back of the Ropes and Picots cardigan. And I added a couple more inches to the first sleeve of Potter last night.

I'm also thinking about other fall/winter type things...scarves and hats and mitts and all the lovely things that I just felt sad looking at when it was 105 out.

And here's the wonderful hat link of the week: The Zoetrope Hat (The pattern can be bought through Ravelry as well, but this is a link to the blog of the pattern's author). This is brilliant - they worked various "frames" of the old running-horse zoetrope (a precursor of the movie camera - Eadward Muybridge is the person who came up with it - some history is given on the pattern writer's blog).

There's also a little "movie" of the different hat panels on the blog, showing that yes, the horse does appear to "gallop" (and that at one point, all of the horse's hooves are off the ground - which is why Muybridge did this photography in the first place, he was settling a bet)

I have the Running Horse Hat (which is similar, but without the zoetrope angle) still in my queue and I know where the yarn is for it. (Eventually I will start it). But this one is cool, too, and I might make it someday.


I also received my swap-gifts from the latest online swap. Lots of Hello Kitty stuff.

gifties 1

The notebook has one of those lenticular covers, so when you tilt it, it looks like Hello Kitty is running. ( do you make Hello Kitty even more annoying to Hello Kitty haters? Make her glitter, or give her the appearance of motion). And Hello Kitty band-aids. And my Etsy gifts were the knitting-girl pouch, and a set of stitch-markers, and some custom buttons...

which you can see better in this photo.

gifties 2

One says "Oh Bother," which is what I listed on my profile as my "favorite curse word" And there's a Dr. B. quote (she blog-stalked me to get information). I almost teared up a little when I saw that.

Also, I got my very own knitted Oxford comma, along with buttons saying, "They can take my Oxford comma when they pry it from my cold, dead, and clenched hands."

And the big Hello Kitty thing is a pillowcase - very likely a "vintage" pillowcase, as the Sanrio logo looks like one of the older ones (it has a 1983 copyright date on the pillowcase). Yes, I intend to use it.

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