Thursday, August 25, 2011

Oh no, Irene

If you're on the East Coast in the path of the storm, and they tell you you need to be getting out, please to be getting out right now. This looks like it could be extremely bad. I think flooding - and farther inland than people might think it could go - is likely to be the big thing with this.

(Even IF everyone gets out...well, I'm thinking of all the historic buildings and such that will be in its path..and I feel sad.)

If I could push our "dome of high pressure" far enough east to steer the hurricane safely out to sea, trust me, I'd be doing it. And not just (and not even "mainly") because that would get rid of our high pressure and heat and drought.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I won't "get out" even if I wanted to.
Firstly, where to? Should I take a plane and fly to family in Midwest just because of coming 2 days of heavy rain? Other than them I have no destination, none.
Secondly, by what? Our genius mayor on one hand declared everyone should "evacuate", on the other, ordered complete stop of public transportation one day before the storm, first time in NY history.
I don't have a car. I don't know how to drive. As, I am sure, 1/3 or more of NY residents.

It'd be quite a lovely trap, if I wanted to "get out".
But I don't and I will not.