Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Curiouser and curiouser...

In re: the "Why are women going so GIRLY" blog-kerfuffle of the past days...apparently now a feminist magazine has outed the original poster of the post that led to girly-tough bloggers from around the world responding as a GIRL herself.

In that, she makes cupcakes. And has an apple orchard.

Meh. I'm'a gonna step back from this now because it's starting to smell like "Mean Girls." And I had enough experience with "mean girls" from age 6 or so to age 14* that I'm just done with it all.

(* Age 14, because after a few months in high school, I found enough friends to make an insulating core around me. I still had to deal with mean girls but having friends like Kirsten (yes, I'm doing a shout-out, if you're reading this) to make me laugh and keep me believing that I was OK made a huge difference to me.)

I've often said that women tend to be each other's worst enemies. I stand by that comment.

(I also wonder if the same principle as I see in some fights-in-academia applies here: that is, the smaller the stakes, the more vicious the fighting. No, I don't get it either, and I've worked in academia for 12 years, plus the time I was in grad school)

Now, having completed two more chapters of intro bio for the day, I'm going to go home and practice piano. (I wonder where learning to play the piano for one's own edification and delight falls upon the spectrum of "girly" pursuits...)

Edited to add, later on: While driving home it occurred to me - regarding the whole back-and-forth I alluded to above - the problem with engaging in "micturational combat" is that even if you win, you still have a big puddle to clean up.

Heh. "micturational combat." I think that's the best euphemism I've thought of yet. (I am also very fond of "coprophagous grin," but I didn't come up with that myself - someone else said it somewhere, and I appropriated it).

So, I give the whole mess a big "whatever." (Normally I do not like that usage of that word, because it smacks of dismissive-teenaged-girl, but what better way to dismiss apparent infighting among women than with an eyeroll and a "whatever.")

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