Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Still can't believe

Thank you for all the kind words.

No, I still can't quite believe that I'm done...done with the whole chasing-after-promotions thing. That I've got something I really wanted, and would feel really bad if I didn't earn it.

I didn't really "celebrate" last night - I had the student papers to put comments on (the second step of grading), so I mostly did that.

I'm considering something for the weekend, though. Not sure whether to do a Grand Day Out (even though I will have no paycheck for June and July and will be living off what I have in my accounts now) or just taking it as an entirely stay-home-and-do-what-I-want-to day.

I think of one of the profs when I was in grad school...he had a little button up on the wall of his office that said, "Tenure means no more Mr. Nice Guy." (which I thought was extremely funny - though I never told him that - because he was one of the, shall we say, more difficult personalities I've dealt with through the years).

While I can't quite see doing something like that, maybe I will feel a little more secure in my own abilities.

Maybe not quite THIS secure, though. (But the picture still makes me chuckle.)

demotivational posters - PROFESSOR BADASS
see more Very Demotivational


Anonymous said...

Now you show them!
Congratulations! Security is a double-edged sword, as in many it encourages lowering of standards - but I perceive you as supreme perfectionist who is her own censor and motivator, and I think this danger does not apply to you.

Maybe a way to celebrate is to come traveling in the summer? F.i., to NYC? I know of a cute yarn store on Madison ave...

Here's something I came across today in my readings, I think it'll make you laugh.

Spike said...

Heh. *I* will certainly think of you as "Professor Badass." In full steampunk quasi-Victoriana, gold watch chain, and goggles that do nothing.

Rock on!

Jemnifer said...


Joan said...

Congratulations! Because of the time difference, I got your Sunday post when I clicked yesterday morning-- that is why I am tardy.

I'm sorry though, after being a loyal blog reader for the past two years I simply cannot imagine you saying the words "Professor Badass" out loud... :)

CGHill said...

I have to wonder what that fellow was before he became Professor Badass. (Perhaps he spent some time as the Adjunct from Hell.)

kirbanita said...

I'm just catching up — Congratulations! You certainly deserve it.