Monday, April 18, 2011

I'm still waiting.

Next week is the big "Faculty Appreciation Dinner." (I normally don't go, but signed up this year just in case).

I still haven't heard the final word on the Full Professor status. That makes the Paranoid Parrot in me go, "That means you're not getting it, and they're just being too chickenlivered to tell you right away."

I'm trying to ignore that thought.

The reason I signed up for the dinner is that there's an off chance they will decide to announce those things there, and it would be embarrassing for me not to be there and have them announce it. (And also, again, the paranoid part of me wonders if they might consider revoking it if you're not there and they announce it).

I don't know. I am SO not into dinners of this kind. But I'm still going.

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

Is there anyone you could ask "What's the program at the dinner?" If the answer is, "They announce promotions, awards given, publications, etc." you could be prepared for any announcements that might be made. A secretary in the office of whoever is in charge of planning this event might be a good source of information. Even your departmental secretary might know something.