Friday, April 29, 2011

Another random thought:

After contemplating what coverage of the royal wedding I saw, and seeing it discussed on Ravelry, I have concluded:

I suffer from a severe shortage of events to which I can wear fabulous hats.

(No, I don't mean the oddball "fascinator" types of things like - was it Beatrice? - was wearing. I mean a nice, pretty, tasteful hat, either straw or felt and made by a haberdasher and with either flowers or (sustainably harvested) feathers on it).

I wore a hat a few years as a teenager to church on Easter. (I think I still have the couple of hats I bought over the years at my parents' house, plus a vintage hat I bought at a rummage sale).

Part of the problem with just randomly wearing a hat to church is that no one else would be doing it, and as I said, I don't like too much being the center of attention. But it would be fun to go somewhere where most of the women would be wearing hats, and have a nice one to wear.


diann said...

My first thought about Beatrice's hat was that she'd suddenly sprouted antlers!

I do love a good hat, and wear them as often as possible to weddings and such.

Charlotte said...

I love to wear hats. I was lucky enough to watch CNN's rebroadcast of their coverage of The Royal Wedding last night after the Conference session closed. It made for a late night but I was fascinated. What I wondered was how on earth they kept those big picture hats on the side of their head since they looked like they were vertical. I know I would hate to sit behind some of those hats.

besshaile said...

I have dozens of hats. I don't wear them as often as I'd like - but I wear them whenever I can.Love me some hats. wish more people wore them.

Nicole said...

At the risk of sounding racist, go to a black church on Sunday. Those ladies do it up right. Heck, some of the older ladies even do it up with a hat and all when they just go out to do business.

Hats are part of the reason I cut my hair. There is too much of it when long and hats don't look good on me when I have long hair. Now I have purchased a few hats to go with my short hair. :)