Monday, February 14, 2011

Something for Monday

And something NOT Valentine's Day related.

(I thought I was OK; I truly did. Then the local news channels started running all their annual stories on it. Blech. Though I did have a good laugh at the guy trying to read off "I love you" in all different (non-English) languages, because the two with which I have some familiarity (French and German) he totally butchered. "Ick libby dick," indeed).

One of the people on CPAAG posted this video. It's a little bit geeky and in its own way, a little bit steampunk (oscilliscope!) So I had to share it. (And once again, I'm amazed at the effort people go to for these things. And also - I remember using a tape recorder for data storage on the first home computer my family had. We were out of the oscilliscope era by then, but still...)


Also, I had a dream last night that my graduate institution was planning to award "Snooki" (the reality-tv "star") an honorary doctorate for...I don't know what, exactly. And I was deeply conflicted because I felt that since they were giving the degree out so cheaply to someone, I should, in protest, return my (earned) doctorate. But then a particular unpleasant higher-up (someone with whom I have tangled in real life) told me that the moment I handed back my degree was the moment I became unemployed.

And so I faced that dilemma in my something I really felt strongly about and destroy my life, or shut up and let it eat at me? (I don't know what I'd do in real life, and I don't know if I'd be as bothered. I mean, I'm sure universities have given honorary degrees to people who offended a larger group of their alums, and for greater cause...) But I'm not in the best mood this morning because of that.

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