Thursday, January 27, 2011

Yup, missed it.

Yesterday was actually my blogiversary, I went and found the original "hello world" (only it didn't say that) post in my archives, and it was January 26, 2002, which, if I remember correctly, was a Saturday.

So yeah, not so much with the Blogiversary celebration this year. But next year - if the world still exists, if the Internet hasn't been taken over by some evil entity, and if Blogger or some simulacrum still exists (too cheap to buy my own domain and too cack-handed with coding to use one of the less idiot-proof softwares), it will be my tenth blogiversary. So there's that. I'll have to plan something for that.


I got Potter back out last night. I thought I was to the point of binding off for the armholes on the back, but not yet. I also need to just gut up and do the picking-up-of-stitches to finish the neckline of Thermal.

(I admit - I've partly held off finishing Thermal because of the photograph aspect. For some reason - I don't know what, stress, dry weather, or the new moisturizer I'm using being no good for me - my chin is broken out. Not badly, but as someone who usually has very clear skin, it bothers me. (And yeah, dry weather can make me break out. Go figure.) So I'm waiting for that to clear before I think about photographs. (I might also need to change moisturizers again. I don't think my skin likes this one. Sigh.) Usually if I break out it's on my chin or forehead.)


I was thinking about stuff as I drove in this morning. I took the "new route," the one I will have to take once construction on the intersection starts. The new route is longer, less direct, and goes through an area that has a bad blind corner (or not so much a blind corner, but a place where one street takes a "jog" and you can't really easily see traffic coming on the cross street. Some of our streets here in town are messed up - some start and end unpredictably, some will be straight for a few blocks and then jog over. I don't know if it's that the town was built in parts, or when the streets were built they had to jog around things, or if they just didn't hire a very good planner, but I still get lost in some parts of town despite it being small and my having lived here over 10 years)

The new route bothers me. I find it aesthetically displeasing because it is not direct the way the old route was.

And I realized that's a problem I have with a lot of things. I think of it as kind of a "Princess and the Pea Issue." It's small things, that intrude themselves on my consciousness, that bug me. I know I shouldn't be bugged by them, I know it's completely irrational to be, and yet I am. It's kind of like a dripping faucet when you are trying to read. Some people can totally ignore it but I cannot, to the point where I will either get up and take the faucet to bits and run out to Lowe's at 8 pm to see if I can buy a new washer to go in it. (Or, more likely: get up and put in my earplugs).

But lots of little things bug me. I think one of the reasons it's so successful for me to do simple knitting while I read is that it mops up the excess attention I have. The attention that would normally be racing around, going "What's that noise?" or "Do I need to do laundry?" Otherwise, that attention goes after other stuff and drags my main attention away from what I'm doing.

I don't talk about the little things that bug me a lot in public (Even though sitting across from someone in a meeting where they are doing one of those things leads to kind of a miserable meeting) because, as I said, it's a "princess and the pea" issue. And I try to avoid being a "princess" whenever possible.

But it's going to be hard to get used to the new way to drive in to work.


CGHill said...

Why wouldn't you celebrate nine years, in a realm where the average lifespan is about three weeks? I know I would.

Big Alice said...

Happy belated 9th blog anniversary.

I don't think you're being a princess. I think it is instead an urge for order, for decrease of entropy in the universe, however local. I myself tend to reorder bookshelves in bookstores if I see things sloppy & disarranged. It almost feels like a subtle fight against stupidity and carelessness.