They closed my campus for the day, which is surprising, as classes are not in session and normally when it's just an "office are open" day, they leave it to the discretion of the profs/staff whether or not to come in. I guess the roads are bad enough they don't want anyone coming in.

So the good news is I have a snow day. The bad news is that I'm still battling mice; I saw one last night when I was up later than normal hanging out on the Internet. I've set traps but I don't hold out a lot of hope of catching it. (I wish I could find where they were getting in now. I thought I had plugged the obvious openings but I must have missed at least one. I don't have the guts to crawl under my house and caulk in all the gaps in the crawl space - I am way too claustrophobic to even contemplate that; it makes me feel a little sick to my stomach to think of even crawling into the crawl space. I suppose when the weather gets better I will have to see if I can find an exterminator who will do the plug-the-gaps chore for me.) I suppose part of it is that the unusually cold weather may be driving them indoors. I just wish it wasn't into MY indoors.
I think I'm going to spend part of the day extensively cleaning my sewing room; there's enough clutter in there that a mouse could go and hide for a long time and that makes me feel creepy to think about it.
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