Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Finding the silly (II)

Okay, I think I can adequately convey the way my past day was with a movie clip. Sadly, I'm neither as clever nor as gutsy as Jack Nicholson's character is here, but this is kind of how I feel about rules piled upon rules that contradict other rules:

That said, a student suggested a (temporary, will work for this week) solution to the problem that, while not ideal, is better than nothing. (I decided to go with blunt honesty about the problem - well, not down to blaming the person who cause the problem, but saying "there's a problem" and "here's the only solution I can see.") His solution was better than mine.

Then our campus internet crashed so I couldn't get any more journal articles this afternoon. So now I am at home. And that's the truth, pbbbblllllttttt.

(Operating on four hours or so of sleep is not good for me. Even though I grew up believing Grown Ups were "supposed" to watch the SOTU speech every year, I think I'm going to bed extra early tonight)

1 comment:

Lydia said...

I hope you can get some more sleep tonight and that the solution from the student helps. Being kept from doing what you know needs to be done is really frustrating.