Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Few rows away

I'm SO CLOSE to dividing for the "straps" on the front of Honeycomb (and doing the binding-off and decreases to form the neckline).

almost there

I'm really ready to be finished with this. I like the way the yarn looks and the fabric that it makes, but really, it's pretty harsh to knit on. (It's Elsebeth Lavold's Silky Wool, and the silk is obviously noile or not something very highly processed). I got a tiny blister Sunday evening from all the knitting but it went away. (It may have been a tiny hive; my allergies have been in overdrive and so I am in full contact-dermatitis-over-everything mode)

I think - though this may change in the coming days - that Potter is going to be the next big sweater project I begin. This is a worsted weight coat-type sweater, a simpler design and stitch pattern. And it's worsted weight, which means I won't have to knit for 2 hours to see 1" of progress.

I also got the newest copy of KnitScene (I ordered it; I don't think it's on newsstands yet). This is the fall 2010 issue. It's really nice - there are several good cardigan sweaters in there, and there's a very sweet vest-sweater done of a chunky yarn in a leaf-lace sort of pattern.

There IS a very self-conscious, "geek chic" section, which would annoy me if several of the patterns weren't so nice. (I don't like the idea of geeks/nerds/whatever suddenly being declared "hip." Because if it's now cool to be a nerd, then all those years in grade school of being forced to eat lunch alone were a waste...) Also, the "geek chic" girl model is wearing very clearly fake glasses.

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