Monday, July 05, 2010

Waiting on a student to show up - fieldwork day. (I have 8 minutes).

The baseball game was a lot of fun. I did bring along a sock but wound up never taking it out of the bag. Our seats were surprisingly good. I guess the one time I had been the a major league game before was years and years ago, in the old Lakefront Stadium (I think that's what it was called), where the Cleveland Indians used to play. The seats we had were way up in the bleachers, and were on the sunny side of the stadium. (I remember having been very bored, and very uncomfortable. And not being able to see much of the game, but it may have been partly because I think we went to the game not too many months before we discovered I needed glasses).

This time, we were under a canopy (though it wasn't that sunny Saturday evening) and we were right over right (?) field (the outfield side nearest first and second base). You could see everything and it was great. (A couple of the guys were complaining on the way down that "you can't see the DiamondVision very well from the seats we have" but honestly, I'd rather be able to see the actual game than see it on a screen.)

Also, I think more has been added in to baseball games in recent years - during the change-ups mid-inning, they'd make announcements or play music, between innings they did different stuff (the Ozarka "dot race" - probably a rip off of the cleverer sausage races that the Brewers do).

Also, I guess it's been a long time since I've been to a sporting event, because I had forgotten what an amusing - and in a strange way, beautiful - thing it is to watch a "wave" propagate across a full stadium.

I was surprised by how involved I got in the game - I am really not a sports fan but I suppose that baseball, of all the sports, is the one that interests me the most. And it's a lot easier to follow when you're sitting right there watching it in person than it is listening to it on the radio. (Though maybe all the times I listed to Rangers games over recent years - mainly as "background noise" while doing something else - has led to my absorption of some of the basics of the game. And at any rate, I find baseball a lot more straightforward to understand than football (or, if you're on CPAAG, "hand-egg"), with all its formations and with the downs system and the fact that the ball can be kicked, carried, or thrown.)

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