Thursday, July 29, 2010

last few things

(I am in my office between finals).

The sunscreen brand is a Walgreen's brand but I understand Neutrogena makes one as well. It does not seem to contain any of the chemicals that some folks are sensitive to - it looks like it's mainly a mineral block. It does leave a little bit of a whitish film on your arms, but not burning is worth it.

I probably won't be blogging over break - won't be near a computer often (and my dad's connection is extremely slow)

And: I am very glad to be going home. (Even though I don't technically consider where my parents live "home" so much any more, the longer I live here.)

(Hee. Some of you will get that and hate me for it.)


TChem said...

Hey, it's that song I sing whenever I scratch my cat's butt!

TChem said...

Oh, and also have a great break!