Friday, June 25, 2010

Well, the heat broke a little - apparently the "dome of high pressure" is weakening.

I feel some better, having slept a little more soundly last night (it's kind of surprising to me, even with air conditioning, that an outdoor overnight temperature of 73 as opposed to 79 would actually matter).

But now: my one research student left a message (at 6:30, before I ever got in) that she can't get her car started. I called back, didn't get her. I don't see the other one outside but I better check again. Argh. I had high hopes of getting done early and working a bit on my own research today.

No sign of the other student. The one student called back. Apparently it's the starter and as soon as an auto shop near her opens up, she's getting it replaced. She works, so she needs the truck, and she'll need it this afternoon. (I understand. It's one of those living-alone-problems and I've faced similar. But the logistics of having to try to do this drives me up a tree. I have no idea if the other student had something come up, forgot, is merely running late, or is already out at the field site wondering where we are. I don't know what to do - whether to run out to the field site and look for her, or to sit here and wait, or what.)

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