Saturday, June 12, 2010

I picked a "prettier" template. (It's funny that I have always used blue as the color on my blog, and that I like it so much for that: I have no blue anywhere in my house, it's all yellow and green and some pink).

I hope the new background color isn't too confounding for anyone with astigmatism to read. Back in the early days of knitblogging there were a few bloggers who used a black background with white typeface in the Courier font (and a really SMALL Courier at that) and I couldn't read them because they gave me too much of a headache. If the new set up is too annoying let me know and I can tweak it a little.


anita said...

I think the new template is lovely—very airy, very feminine-looking. Good job!

Mom on Health Patrol said...

Actually, I really like the new template. To my eye, it's crisp and easy to read.

Lynn said...

I like it! It's very pretty and I actually think a light colored background is easier on the eyes than pure white.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this long post from yesterday. Perhaps you already know this, but I always thought it interesting that Roy Underhill was the first master housewright and later director of interpretive development at Colonial Williamsburg.