Friday, June 25, 2010

I got 3/4 of the way to the field site, and asked myself: does the missing student even know how to get here?

And I decided that, since I was 3/4 of the way, I'd pretend that they did. Of course they weren't there. So I'm waiting on a call from the OTHER student, when she gets her car fixed, we'll figure out what to do from there.

It's funny how just when I start feeling sad that I don't exist as part of an immediate family unit (that is: have others living with me and interacting with me on a daily basis), something crops up to remind me how frustrating unmanageable logistics can be. (I remember a family reunion, once, where, because several people could not decide what attraction to go and see, we didn't go and see anything, but instead sat around the rented lodgings, those of us who were amenable to doing whatever the majority wanted to do being treated to watching the various factions argue.)

So I'm off to sort soil samples. If I can get a bunch done today maybe I can have tomorrow afternoon off.

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