Thursday, June 17, 2010

I am formulating a new rule for my life this summer.

I am only allowed to have one meeting a day. So, if two meetings are scheduled, I will skip one. (most of the meetings aren't 100% OMB MANDATORY that I be there, and even if they're fairly important, I think my hectic summer schedule excuses me a little).

But it's just awful. I'm dragging home at whatever hour I get home (5:30 on Wednesdays) and I'm tired and have used up my words for the day (teaching two classes at an accelerated pace will do that to me) and I just don't want to go back out. And I feel like I need to make time for piano practice. And I usually have grading or prep for the next day's teaching.

There was an activity-type meeting tonight. I was half-thinking of going, but then I forgot the Beautification Council meeting (which is both more urgent and more important) at 4. And I really need some quiet time tonight. (I have field sampling at 7 am tomorrow. I don't mind that it's early but it's going to be HOT even that early. And I'm the "authority" so I will have to be the one with all the ducks in a row and at least be able to pretend that I look like I know what I'm doing. (this is a new sampling regime in a different location)).

So tonight (after the meeting lets out - probably around 5) has been declared a Work-Free Zone. Because no quilting and no knitting make Erica something something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Marge: "...go crazy?"

Homer: "Don't mind if I do! Blah, blah, halabala!"

*looks at self in mirror*
