Thursday, February 04, 2010


I have a "promise*" that the plumbers will be out Tuesday. Not today, as originally planned. Stuff "came up." (Um, yeah, that's also what happens in my tub if I try to run the dishwasher and the shower at the same time).

(They could come out tomorrow, but because I thought they were coming today, I agreed to help some students with stuff tomorrow. And Monday I have lab ALLLL DAAAAY so I can't do it then.)

These are one of two (I think) plumbers in town that specifically do what I need. The other plumber, I was told by three separate individuals not to use them, because they overcharge and they don't always fix things right.

I'm expecting that this happened because (a) they are good, responsible plumbers and (b) they get whacked with more work than they can reasonably deal with and (c) we've had a spate of cold/bad/rainy weather which leads to frozen pipes and backed up drains and other stuff and (d) I was waaaaaaaay too nice and observed that my problem wasn't as urgent as many, that if it was a little while before it got fixed I could manage.

I am getting tired of "managing."

I don't know, though. If I get stood up on Tuesday again, I'm going to be very unhappy.

(*More and more, I think the old adage is no longer, "Wish in one hand and spit in the other" but "Promise in one hand and spit in the other." Or, as I've been told, another word that rhymes with "spit," which was the original word in there.)

It frustrates me when other people flake out on me, because I'm the kind of person who will crawl 30 feet into Hell, on her belly, over broken glass doused in vinegar, in order to fulfill some responsibility she has.

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