Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's been a busy day - it was soils lab day in my ecology class, which is the most involved lab (on both my part and the students' part). But now it's complete, and next week there is no lab (because of assessment testing).

I guess I have to be very careful about pizza "from out" any more. I don't eat commercially-purchased pizza often; I find it cheaper (and at times, almost as fast) to make my own. But yesterday, after a rather harrowing* piano lesson, I decided to run to the new "Hot N Fast" Little Caesar's in town.

Apparently, Little Caesar's uses a seasoning that no longer agrees with me. I almost toyed with the idea of not coming in today, that was how bad my stomach felt at 4:45 when I woke up. But I soldiered through (even did my workout) and it got better over the course of the day.

(I think a boiled egg and a salad are probably best for tonight. And right now, my favorite salad is this: spinach with a few drained mandarin orange sections, some toasted walnuts, and all of it dressed with a dressing made from 4 parts walnut oil to 1 part balsamic vinegar, with maybe a teaspoon of Penzey's "creamy peppercorn" dressing seasoning added for every 5 T of oil plus vinegar).


*I know my teacher did not intend for it to be harrowing. I am working right now on an arrangement of "Castle in a Cloud" (from Les Miserables), and I'm just not feeling the love for it. For one thing, it has a lot of discordances: there are places where there is an F in the right hand and an E in the left and that kind of thing - a minor second, I guess? - just sounds bad to me.

I'm much more into classical or baroque music, I guess, where that kind of thing happens rarely.

At one point she had me playing a couple measures over and over and over again to try to get my hands synchronized and I just got really frustrated because I couldn't do it right. Like, almost fighting teary frustrated.

I'm too much of a wuss to petition for giving up on the song, and I suppose it has something important to teach me, but right now I'm just kind of fighting through it. Hopefully there will come a point where it will "click."


I've been working on a pair of Kew socks but am not very far, so no picture. I made a mistake last night and wound up having to un-knit some of it and redo it. I've been trying to work on a different project each night in the hopes of clearing the backlog of works-in-progress.


Charlotte said...

Sorry about the Little Caeser pizza disagreeing with you. I sometimes get one of those Hot 'n Ready ones when I'm running late and want a quick meal. I find them fairly bland ... but I only get either the cheese or sausage. Pepperoni doesn't agree with me.

Re your piano lesson, are there other notes played with the F and E? Whether or not that's a minor second would depend on what chord is being played. If it's an E chord, yes it would be a minor second. If it's an F chord, it would be ninth. Hopefully, it doesn't last long ... isn't a note you hold for a long time and you can move on to the next chord. I'd be interested in knowing what the chord resolves to.

Charlotte said...

Oops, not a ninth but an augmented 7th.