Sunday, February 07, 2010

A few in-progress photos, seeing as I'm not managing to finish much these days.

I did pull the long-stalled Honeycomb vest out and continued knitting on it. I thought I was closer to the dividing point (for the shoulder straps) than I thought. I have a couple inches left to go on the armholes. It's not a fast knit, what with every 6th row being a cabled row, and with it being a sportweight knit on size 3s. But I persist. I'd like to try to finish at least the back of this this month, and ideally get a good start on the front.

honeycomb back 2/7/10

I also started sewing up the pieces for the new quilt - this is the "Hill Country Spring" fabric that I bought a "jelly roll" of back in the summer. These are just two sample blocks; I'm going to do the rest of the four-patches before I do any more "framing," so that I can use the fabrics to the best advantage. (There were an awful lot of that bandanna print, in different colors, in the packet.)

start of framed four patch

The last of these is just the beginning of a project...this is the start of the socks I talked about yesterday. I really really like this colorway. Even though I think it's misnamed - it's called Le Jardin and it really should be something about grapes or wine, I think.

purple socks

One of the things I love about the knitting renaissance, especially now that we have the internet, is that there are dozens - maybe scores - of small independent spinners and dyers out there, people who follow their own artistic vision, and come up with beautiful yarn (a lot of it sockyarn, because you can make a lot of things out of a relatively small quantity of sockyarn).

1 comment:

Lynn said...

I love the quilt blocks.