Wednesday, February 03, 2010

1. I probably need to start making explicit lists of what I need to do in a day again. Not so much that I forget stuff I need to do, but it does give a certain comfort to look back over the list and go, "Hey, I actually did accomplish something."

2. I maybe need to get a bit more selfish with my time, and not be so willing to take on extra stuff or make myself available to other people.

3. Stupid plumber still hasn't called back. I'm beginning to reach the point where I stop being nice and accommodating about this. Yes, I know lots of people had frozen pipes. Yes, I know that's a more urgent problem than mine. But this is the third time I've asked for a call to confirm that yes, you will be coming out to investigate my problem.

I know it's a selfish, first-world (as one of my friends on Rav puts it) whine, but I am really getting kind of tired of the venting-the-greywater-out-the-back-door thing.

I realize that I am mildly compulsive about certain things (watch students hand in papers - I will have to "square up" the stack every third paper or so so that they're not out of alignment). But it bothers me on a deep subconscious level when something is "broken," something I know still has to be attended to. It diverts my attention from other things that I should be working on. And I think it's the combination of the drainage problem, the busted mirror, and the dent in the car (which I am learning to live with but am not happy about) that are getting to me.

4. Actually, I am probably too nice and too accommodating. I'm the person who doesn't say something when she thinks but isn't sure that she's getting the short end of the stick. I'm the one who thinks, "I don't want to look pushy or rude." And so sometimes I wind up getting walked on a little bit because I am too deferential to kick back. That probably needs to change, though I am not sure how.

5. If I hadn't already bought the cake flour and extra eggs, I probably would seriously consider buying a cake for tomorrow night instead of baking. (Except there's nowhere in town that really makes decent cake).


Lynn said...

I've always thought it's a shame that rude people get served first - the old "squeaky wheel" thing. It seems to me that this encourages rudeness. If everyone gave nice people priority service and ignored the rude people until the last possible moment, don't you think it might be a nicer world? But yeah, I get a little bit rude sometimes when I just can't take it anymore.

Chris Laning said...

(1) Making lists, so that all of the "things to do" are not residing in your brain and irritating it, is the basis of at least one popular "getting things done" advice book that I've seen. I admit that it does generally make me feel better.

(2) A dear friend of mine once told me, "If you can accomplish three things in a day, you're doing well." I've found this a useful concept. When I remember to do it, thinking back over the day and listing three things I accomplished really helps my attitude.

Since I have limited physical energy, I've also instituted a rule that I am not allowed to run more than four errands in a day. I discovered that when I do, I pay for it in loss of productivity the next day. Having set myself a limit, I'm a lot more relaxed and less likely to beat myself up because I did not do ALL 27 of the things on my to-do list in one day.

Charlotte said...

Is there another plumber you can call or is this one the only game in town?

Making "to do" lists help me accomplish things. I love being able to cross items off the list.