Monday, January 25, 2010

My blogiversary is this week. I guess this makes 8 years, now?*

Hopefully I will think of something insightful to say. Or if not insightful, at least clever, on the occasion. Though right now I'm drawing a blank as to what I could say.

That may be partly because I think I have started in with a cold today. Sore throat, catarrh (that sounds SO much better than "post-nasal drip"), my head feels congested, I'm tired, and I have that brain fog I always get when I'm on the cusp of getting sick.

I drank a big mug of hot tea with "Bavarian wild berries*" in it (total vitamin C content: 0 per serving) with lunch, and I'm going to make my slightly-spicy chicken-and-mushroom broth for dinner (chicken broth cooked with a couple good slices of fresh garlic, a goodly shot of vinegar, a tiny bit of cayenne pepper, and some garlic, and with mushrooms cut up and simmered in it.

The only thing that's really bothering me right now is the "brain fog." Hopefully that will go away shortly as the cold progresses.

(I strongly suspect they are neither truly wild nor truly Bavarian; I probably would have paid a lot more for the tea if they were.)

(*The jealous and not very nice part of my personality is whining that I've been writing lots longer than OTHER knitbloggers out there, why don't I get more comments. And my Inner Critic responds (predictably) with a "because you suck, compared to them?" Lynn isn't the only one who feels Internetally ignored some days.)


Joan said...

I wasn't knitting eight years ago, but I have been a faithful (albeit laconic) reader for the past three years or so. Happy blogiversary, and thank you for the best pumpkin soup recipe ever!

Lisbeth said...

I've been reading for at least 5 years or more, and in that time, YOU have stayed in my Bloglines, while many (MANY) other knitbloggers (popular ones! ones with first-name recognition! the ones everyone seems to love but whose writing leaves me cold!) have been cut. I don't comment much, but please know I look forward to your posts and would miss you if you weren't writing anymore. Trust me when I say there is no suckage happening at Fillyjonk's Progress!

Lydia said...

I hope you feel better soon.

You are consistently a lot better than a lot of the big name knit bloggers. I've stopped reading some of them, but I'm still reading and greatly enjoying yours years later.

CGHill said...

Robert Stacy McCain, who gets as much traffic as any ten of us combined, has a whole category called "Because I Suck" or something like that. We are never satisfied.

Mary C. said...

I began reading your blog when it was the Reluctant Dragon and I think I was knitting more then! But now I read because you write so well about the daily challenges in your life. And every now and then I am inspired to try some new yarn or a new pattern. Thanks for blogging.

Ellen said...

I came to you because of your knitting -how, I don't remember - but your writing is short, concise, funny, pertinent to my mid-life age and experience. And you're the first person I ever met who also loved the chocolate pudding from Square Meals!

Also, since 3/4 of my friends are engineers (hard to miss them here in the land of M, M, and more M), I think your sense of humor would fit right in here.

Happy Blogaversary and many more!