Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Last week's photos (of Tufnel and Hrumph) were not the end of the projects-finished-over-break. There are still a couple of monsters! (And one last thing I'll show later this week).

The two remaining monsters are from Rebecca Danger's "Dangercrafts" line of patterns (She has an Etsy shop)

Meet Charmaine:


Charmaine is a happy monster. She likes peonies and cherry blossoms. She enjoys playing Scrabble and likes silly jokes. She is a very girly monster; she has a "diamond" belly button ring (actually a vintage button from my grandmother's button box) and mascara, and her eyes match her pelt.

I did break one of my little rules here: normally I do not name "critters" the same name as someone I know. But I think the "real" Charmaine - a former co-worker of my dad's and a friend of the family - would not mind; she'd probably be amused.

Tootles Ash

And this is Tootles Ash. Or as he likes to style himself, The Honourable Tootles Ash. Despite his rather rough appearance, he is quite a scholarly monster and likes to spend time among books. He is also very interested in herb gardening.

Tootles is a particularly cuddly monster; the yarn I used for him is Paton's "Mosaic," which I think has since been discontinued (At least, I don't see it for sale any more). It makes excellent monster skin.

And here is a "family portrait." I've decided that all of these monsters have to be cousins, despite their very different appearance, because there's something about the eyes and the mouth that suggests they must be related:

monster family

(Albert is the monster in the middle; he is the first one I made off the Dangercrafts patterns I bought.)

Tomorrow is my blogiversary. (The good news is I don't think it was a cold I had after all, just really BAD allergies. Taking a loratidine tablet and a guafenisin tablet (to deal with the congestion) seemed to stop it). I'll have to keep thinking of something deep or clever to say.


Lynn said...

Very cute. I highly approve of girly monsters. And also, intellectual, bookish monsters.

TJ said...

They're all wonderful, and I agree that there's a relation. Who knows how monster genetics works, anyhow? But clearly they enjoy getting together for a cookout and reminiscing about Grandma now and then.

Charlotee said...

They are definitely related. The teeth are the give-away. How did you make those? On my monitor, they look like you cut them from fabric of some sort and either glued or sewed them on.