You can see them at the very top of the photo. I have a few more (the simple, one-stitch decrease per row) left to do. But I'm getting there. Soon I will divide to make the neckline and the "straps" that go up to the shoulders.
This will also go faster by virtue of there being fewer stitches now per row.
I also have the first few patches cut for the Pie Crust Pileup quilt:

I really like the colors in this one. And I've always been fond of landscape pictorial fabrics (like the one on the very top of the top block, or the bottom of the leftmost block). I have a bigger piece, slightly different, in colors more like the fabric with the little birds in it, to be the border of the quilt.
This one does go pretty fast, it seems, though my blocks are a tiny bit off-size (a tiny bit small). I hope that doesn't totally ruin the look of the pattern; I hate it when you have to be so-super-accurate to get something to come out that 1/4 inch of "offness" spoils it.
Very nice. I like the blue snowflake fabric.
Is that the actual name, Pie Crust Pileup? I love it!
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